Monday, January 27, 2020

Kata pengantar

Kata pengantar Puji syukur penyusun panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas rahmat dan hidayah-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan tugas Research-Based Learning ini yang kami beri nama SuperPowerRanger. Makalah ini diajukan guna melengkapi tugas RBL Fisika Dasar IA. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Dosen Mata Kuliah Fisika Dasar, Bapak Maman Budiman, selaku dosen pembimbing kami dan semua pihak yang turut membantu sehingga tugas ini dapat terselesaikan dengan baik dan tepat waktu. Kami sadari bahwa makalah kami ini masih banyak kekurangannya. Kami harap makalah ini dapat memberi informasi bagi orang lain dan bermanfaat untuk pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Penyusun I. Pendahuluan A. Latar Belakang Pembuatan alat ini adalah untuk memenuhi tugas RBL (Research Based Learning) Mata Kuliah Fisika Dasar IA. Tugas RBL untuk 2009/2010 adalah membuat sistem pelontar atau pendorong yang dapat menggerakkan mobil mainan. Mobil mainan tersebut akan bergerak pada lintasan seperti yang tampak pada gambar di bawah ini. Ada tiga prinsip yang dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan alat pelontar, yaitu prinsip mekanika, fluida, dan termodinamika. Kami memilih untuk memakai prinsip mekanika. B. Tujuan Tujuan dari pengerjaan tugas RBL ini adalah untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu fisika yang selama ini dipelajari secara teoritis pada sebuah permasalahan nyata. II. Isi A. Teori Dasar dan Prinsip Kerja Teori dasar pada pelontar mobil mainan ini berpegang pada hukum Hooke pada bab Elastisitas dimana pertambahan panjang (delta L) suatu benda bergantung pada besarnya gaya yang diberikan (F) dan materi penyusun dan dimensi benda (dinyatakan dalam konstanta k). Benda yang dibentuk oleh materi yang berbeda akan memiliki pertambahan panjang yang berbeda walaupun diberikan gaya yang sama, misalnya tulang dan besi. Demikian juga, walaupun sebuah benda terbuat dari materi yang sama (besi, misalnya), tetapi memiliki panjang dan luas penampang yang berbeda maka benda tersebut akan mengalami pertambahan panjang yang berbeda sekalipun diberikan gaya yang sama. Jika kita membandingkan batang yang terbuat dari materi yang sama tetapi memiliki panjang dan luas penampang yang berbeda, ketika diberikan gaya yang sama, besar pertambahan panjang sebanding dengan panjang benda mula-mula dan berbanding terbalik dengan luas penampang. Jika benda kita tarik ke kanan sehingga pegas teregang sejauh x, maka pada benda bekerja gaya pemulih pegas, yang arahnya berlawanan dengan arah tarikan kita. Ketika benda berada pada simpangan x, EP benda maksimum sedangkan EK benda nol (benda masih diam). Ketika benda kita lepaskan, gaya pemulih pegas menggerakan benda ke kiri, kembali ke posisi setimbangnya. EP benda menjadi berkurang dan menjadi nol ketika benda berada pada posisi setimbangnya. Selama bergerak menuju posisi setimbang, EP berubah menjadi EK. Ketika benda kembali ke posisi setimbangnya, gaya pemulih pegas bernilai nol tetapi pada titik ini kecepatan benda maksimum. Karena kecepatannya maksimum, maka ketika berada pada posisi setimbang, EK bernilai maksimum. Benda masih terus bergerak ke kiri karena ketika berada pada posisi setimbang, kecepatan benda maksimum. Ketika bergerak ke kiri, Gaya pemulih pegas menarik benda kembali ke posisi setimbang, sehingga benda berhenti sesaat pada simpangan sejauh -x dan bergerak kembali menuju posisi setimbang. Ketika benda berada pada simpangan sejauh -x, EK benda = 0 karena kecepatan benda = 0. pada posisi ini EP bernilai maksimum. Pada penjelasan di atas, tampak bahwa ketika bergerak dari posisi setimbang menuju ke kiri sejauh x = -A (A = amplitudo / simpangan terjauh), kecepatan benda menjadi berkurang dan bernilai nol ketika benda tepat berada pada x = -A. Karena kecepatan benda berkurang, maka EK benda juga berkurang dan bernilai nol ketika benda berada pada x = -A. Karena adanya gaya pemulih pegas yang menarik benda kembali ke kanan (menuju posisi setimbang), benda memperoleh kecepatan dan Energi Kinetiknya lagi. EK benda bernilai maksimum ketika benda tepat berada pada x = 0, karena laju gerak benda pada posisi tersebut bernilai maksimum. Proses perubahan energi antara EK dan EP berlangsung terus menerus selama benda bergerak bolak balik. Total EP dan EK selama benda bergetar besarnya tetap atau konstan. B. Rancangan Alat dan Bahan Bahan: Gagang Payung Bekas Triplek Balok Kayu Pegas Lempengan Seng Paku Alat: Gergaji Lem Cara Kerja: Tarik batang sebesar delta x seperti apa yang kita dapat dari hasil perhitungan, tahan sebentar untuk memastikan jarak, setelah melihat jaraknya kemudian lepaskan. C. Perhitungan Melalui beberapa percobaan, maka di dapatkan konstanta pegas = 326 N m-1 Kecepatan saat di puncak ÃŽ £F = m.ass m.g = m.v Untuk mencari kecepatan minimum, kita pilih N=0 m.g = m v2/R g.r = Menentukan kecepatan minimum benda sebelum memutar agar benda bisa memutar Dengan prinsip Usaha-Energi ,-.=,-. h-.+,1-2.,-2.+,1-2.,-2.=,h-.+,1-2.,-2.+,1-2.,-2. Kita anggap bahwa roda itu berbentuk silinder pejal, =,1-2.,-2., karena Massa roda sangat kecil jika dibandingkan dengan massa mobil serta jari-jari roda juga sangat kecil, maka Energi kinetic rotasi dapat kita abaikan. h-.+,1-2.,-2.=,h-.+,1-2.,-2. (2)+,1-2.,(,-.)-2.=0+,1-2.,-2. 5-2.=,1-2.,-2. -.=,-5h. -.=,-5.9,78.28.,,10-2.-. D. Hasil Percobaan III. Penutup Kesimpulan Saran

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Causes and efects of Obesity Essay

Obesity is a factor that increases risk developing a number of serious and potentially life – threatening disease. At present, obesity rates are rising in several developed countries such as the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Hungary. Around a quarter of these countries’s population is overweight. This essay will look at some of the causes and effects of obesity. Firstly, energy imbalance most often causes obesity. Energy imbalance is the excess of energy in over energy out. Energy in and energy out are the amount of calories the body obtains and uses, respectively. If the amount of energy in is greater than the amount of energy out, your body contains unnecessary calories. Unecessary calories is transformed into fat. The more fat you get, the more weight you gain. Overtime, obesity is inevitable. The other major cause of obesity is lack of physical activities. Sufficiently practicing of physical activities is one of the best way help burn unnecessary calories. Therefore, lacking of volume of physical activities leads to extra calories retained. As a result, obesity happens. For intances, many people hace jobs that involve too much desk sittng and no physical activities. They do not use all the energy provided by foods they eat, and the extra calories are stored as fat instead, which causes obesity. Obesity is a risk factor for many dangerous disease. However, there are two most fatal effects of obesity.  Firstly, obesity has been known as the main factor of high blood pressure. High blood pressure is literally the pressure on blood vessels caused by high workload of heart. The obese body contains fat tissue that needs oxygen and nutrients to live, which requires more blood. Therefore, the heart must pumps more blood through blood vessels, and vessels indure high pressure of blood. This causes high blood pressure. The other consequence of obesity is type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is medical condition which makes blood sugar level higher than normal. This is the  result of insulin resitance. Obesity can cause resistance to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. When obesity causes insulin resistance, the blood sugar becomes eveluated. Even moderate obesity dramatically increases the risk of diabetes, such as blindness. To summarise, obesity derives from two major causes which are energy imbalance and lack of physical activities. Its effects are numberous but the most critical ones are high blood pressure and diabetes. People who are struggling with obesity should start to do more physical activities and have a balance diet in their daily life, so that they can lose weight and avoid obesity.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Is the belief in God rational? Essay

â€Å"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God† (Psalm 14:1, KJV ) â€Å" He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water† (John 7:38, KJV) As per Holy Bible, in the beginning, when there was no form, God had worked for six days in creating heaven and earth, â€Å"God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good† (Genesis 1:31 KJV). On seventh day, God ended his work and took rest. The very existence of earth, sun, moon, sky and stars are the resemblances of God’s work which are working without the intervention of human science which produces a fact there is a supernatural strength of spirit beyond the recognition of human knowledge and understanding. Accepting the fact that who believe in God is a theist and a non-believer is an atheist, each must have own justification of epistemic beliefs or non-beliefs on God with supportive arguments, irrespective of religion whether it is Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam or Christianity. Theists are fundamental believers on God and atheists draw scientific conclusions and explanations that God is unnecessary. Buddhism and Hinduism have a unique identity in explaining about atheism and also about the rationality about belief in God and so also the religion of Islam. Christianity as a religion, propagates Jesus Christ as God with a strong evidence of empty tomb and also taking the evidence of miracles performed and teachings quoted in four gospels of New Testament. According to Apostle Paul Jesus was â€Å" declared the son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead†. (Romans 1:4). The above concludes an opinion that God is a supreme being who is omnipotent and omnipresent, creator and ruler of the whole universe for Christianity scriptures are the proof of God. Belief or non-belief on God is based on a personal life experiences and the interaction with inner soul and God. A view at Old Testament of Holy Bible reveals some of the facts that God did communicate with Adam, Eve, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Moses was commanded by God to divide the red sea and to lead the Israel out of bondage from Pharaoh. The rationality behind the above, produces a strong evidence that the presence of God always surrounds the earth and this supernatural force controls the entire universe. This is a fact for those who believe and who listen to the voice of God. According to the Holy Bible, the seed of disbelief on the existence of God is none other than evil force which transforms the human minds who get carried away into material facts of the world and become the cause of self-fall. Conclusion Belief on God is good and is rational, as it is stated in Psalms â€Å"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom†. Human knowledge, development and wisdom are the gifts of God who is an embodiment of kindness, mercy and wisdom. If King Solomon asked for wisdom to lead kingdom, Moses asked for accuracy in speech to communicate with people, each according to the wants and desires, were offered gifts by God. This was made possible only by God and for believers the history of past glories of God is the holy grail to carry and move on. Reference Gregory Kouki (2001), It is rational to believe in God? Accessed on 21 February, 2007

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway Essay - 1036 Words

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway The Sun Also Rises opens with the narrator, Jake -Barnes, delivering a brief biographical sketch of his friend, Robert Cohn. Jake is a veteran of World War I who now works as a journalist in Paris. Cohn is also an American expatriate, although not a war veteran. He is a rich Jewish writer who lives in Paris with his forceful and controlling girlfriend, Frances Clyne. Cohn has become restless of late, and he comes to Jakes office one†¦show more content†¦Several weeks later, while Brett and Cohn are both traveling outside of Paris, one of Jakes friends, a fellow American war veteran named Bill Gorton, arrives in Paris. Bill and Jake make plans to leave for Spain to do so me fishing and later attend the fiesta at Pamplona. Jake makes plans to meet Cohn on the way to Pamplona. Jake runs into Brett, who has returned from San Sebastian; with her is Mike, her fiancà ©. They ask if they may join Jake in Spain, and he politely responds that they may. When Mike leaves for a moment, Brett reveals to Jake that she and Cohn were in San Sebastian together. Bill and Jake take a train from Paris to Bayonne, in the south of France, where they meet Cohn. The three men travel together into Spain, to Pamplona. They plan on meeting Brett and Mike that night, but the couple does not show up. Bill and Jake decide to leave for a small town called Burguete to fish, but Cohn chooses to stay and wait for Brett. Bill and Jake travel to the Spanish countryside and check into a small, rural inn. They spend five pleasant days fishing, drinking, and playing cards. Eventually, Jake receives a letter from Mike. He writes that he and Brett will be arriving in Pamplona shortly. Jak e and Bill leave on a bus that afternoon to meet the couple. After arriving in Pamplona, Jake and Bill check into a hotel owned by Montoya, a Spanish bullfighting expert who likes Jake for his earnest interest in theShow MoreRelatedThe Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway1649 Words   |  7 PagesThe Sun Also Rises Ernest Hemingway Introduction Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises is a classic work of American prose, and is essential to understanding the social climate of the 1920’s, and the â€Å"Lost Generation†. Hemingway’s motley cast of star-crossed lovers, rabble-rousers, expatriates, gamblers, and burgeoning alcoholics reflect the excitement, loneliness, and disillusionment experienced by Hemingway and his contemporaries. In addition, the post-war angst of young people of the time isRead MoreThe Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway Essay889 Words   |  4 Pages Books are long. While â€Å"The Sun Also Rises† by Ernest Hemingway is a relatively short book, it still contains a wealth of intricate detail. In any short analysis of such a work of literature, some detail is almost assuredly lost. Hemingway has a lot to say through this story, despite his brevity with words. While not necessarily the most important elements of the book, I shall cast our focus on what Hemingway says thr ough the characters alcoholism and personal relationships. These characters haveRead MoreThe Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway656 Words   |  3 PagesErnest Hemingway is an American twentieth century novelist who served in World War I. During World War I, he served as an ambulance driver for the Italian army. He wrote the novel The Sun Also Rises in Paris in the 1920s. Hemingway argues that the Lost Generation suffered immensely after World War I because of severe problems with masculinity, alcohol, and love. Masculinity creates a strong tension amongst the male characters in The Sun Also Rises. The clearest example is the impotency of theRead MoreThe Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway1169 Words   |  5 PagesThe Sun Also Rises, written by Ernest Hemingway, is a novel about a group of young expatriates, living in Paris after World War I and going on a trip to Spain filled with drinking, bullfighting, and much more. The protagonist, Jake Barnes, an impotent American WWI veteran and bullfighting aficionado, spends much of his time watching and sometimes helping Brett, the woman he loves, go off with other men. Most of the book takes place in urban areas like Paris and Pamplona is filled with drunken fightsRead MoreThe Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway Essay1676 Words   |  7 PagesErnest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises presents an interesting commentary on the fluidity of gender roles and the effects of stepping outside of the socially constructed binary approach to gender. Jake’s impotence and his inability to win Brett romantically results in a struggle wit h masculinity and inadequacy. Brett, possessing many masculine attributes, serves as a foil and embodies the masculinity the men in the novel lack. The juxtaposition of Jake’s struggle and Brett’s refusal to adhere to conventionalRead MoreThe Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway1195 Words   |  5 Pagespowerful aspects of a book. For instance, when a reader reads the title The Sun Also Rises, written by Ernest Hemingway, the reader is able to understand that the title of the novel is connected directly to the message that the author is attempting to convey. The title later brings forth much more significance towards the very end of the novel when the reader pauses and contemplates Hemingway’s motives. The title The Sun Also Rises has the ability to stimulate deep thought within a reader, thus forcingRead MoreThe Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway Essay2149 Words   |  9 PagesErnest Hemingway was one of America’s premiere authors during the early 1900 ’s. He brilliantly wrote a short story or novel in a fashion that was unconventional for the time period. While reading any work by Hemingway the reader has to keep in mind that what is written might be tied to some other part in the story. Hemingway many different writing strategies to keep the reader engaged throughout his stories. Ernest Hemingway is able to keep the readers engaged throughout this novel by incorporatingRead MoreThe Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway1918 Words   |  8 PagesZach Ullom Eng-125F-SO2 Dr. Les Hunter December 3, 2015 Brett Ashley: Whore or Heroine in The Sun Also Rises After a thorough reading and in-depth analyzation of Ernest Hemingway’s riveting novel The Sun Also Rises, the character of Brett Ashley may be seen in a number of different ways. While some critics such as Mimi Reisel Gladstein view Brett as a Circe or bitch-goddess, others such as Carol H. Smith see Brett as a woman who has been emotionally broken by the world around her. I tend lean towardsRead MoreThe Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway1245 Words   |  5 PagesThe writer of The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway was a short story writer, journalist, and an American novelist. He produced most of his work between the nineteen twenties and nineteen fifties. One of Hemingway’s many novels, The Sun Also Rises was originally published on October 22, 1926. In the novel, The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway uses the lead female character, Lady Brett Ashley to portray the new age of women in that time period. In the beginning of the novel when Brett is introduced, sheRead MoreThe Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway1101 Words   |  4 PagesIn most cases all anyone needs in life is love. But what is love? In The sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway we get the sad truth about what love sometimes is in the real world and in some cases alike this novel, there are many reasons in which love is lost. One of the reasons for lost love is sex. Unfortunately the sexual drive of other characters in the novel dictates whether they love each other or not. Another factor that plays a huge role of leaving love hopeless is alcohol. In this novel